And WAA LAA, the finished product. Pauls threw away the little frosting tip so he had to do the door and everything with a knife!

THen Paul decided to get up and put the lights up, the kids decided they wanted to head up on the roof with him (I didn't like this idea) . So he being the nicer parent let them. They definatly don't take after me cause you wouldn't catch me dead on that roof. Braxton got a little nervous on his was up, but once he was up there he was fine!

Cambria cheering on the roof!!!! What a dork:)

I would have been so scared too, letting them up on the roof!! haha!! very cute ginger bread house... so festive you guys are!!! :)
Cute! Cute! Your kids are brave...I still won't go on the roof, I am too chicken! You will have to take a far away pic of the lights. That is the one thing I miss about up north...driving around and looking at the houses with pretty lights. True that there are lights down here, but everything is so far away! Merry Christmas!
The gingerbread house looks GREAT, my kids would love that. I think the icicles look good, you should keep them up!
What a great dad to put the house together with the kids. Looks fun. Ill have to walk over and see your lights. I let my kids up on the roof this year too LOL.
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