Well we all survived Christmas, and it turned out so good! WE got a TON of snow and it made it feel just that much more like Christmas. The kids got a wii and spent a lot of the day playing that!!! Gunner got a new little 4 wheeler and he just loves it, it is so fun to watch him on it...Here are some fun pictures from the day...
Gunner woke up about 5 and would not go back to sleep and ended up waking Cambria up about 6:30> I honetly don't think I have ever seen someone jump out of bed so fast in my whole life!!!

Gunner loved opening presents....Once he figured out that that they had something fun in them, he would go to town on them.

Gunner and his new Christmas clothes....I had to put him on a chair and hurry and snap it, because it is impossible to get him to hold still for 2 seconds.

Knuckles with uncle clay

Shay and cambria!!

Cambria and Grandma Jill... ( Pauls mom)

Gunners new cute little chew chew train he got!!

Me and Shay!!

Paul gave me this beanie for Christmas, and was thinking I hated it because I wasn't wearing it, but truthfully it just didn't match so I changed so that I could wear it so that is matched

Paul boxing.....this was so freakin hilarious to watch

Cambria and little Sadie!!!!! Our friends nick and em stopped by and of course we had to maul the cute baby!!! I just love her little cheeks

The kids are loving there mario cart, look how serious

Gunners new face he loves to pull!

Playing on his 4 wheeler, it
was a big hit !!