Where we met:We met in Logan me and a couple of friends were "cruising" and there was a parking lot full of boys and the other 2 girls wanted to pull in and talk to them, and I absolutly did not want to cause I was so shy, well I didn't get my way but look where it ended up...s o i guess I can't be mad :)
How long we dated before we got hitched: 1 year and 1 month
How long have we been married:it will be 8 years in June
What's my favorite feature about him: His personality, he can always make me smile:)
What's my favorite quality about him: Everything, he is such a good person, and an amazing dad!!!
What's his nickname for me: Hmmm..... I don't know if its appropriate LOL
His favorite color: Grey, he says it goes with everything
His favorite food: Chinese
His favorite sport:Football of course.... he is a HUGE steelers fan so he couldn't be happier right now
Who said the L word first: He did after 2 days LOL , but the night we met he was trying to be a smooth talker and asked me if I believed in Love at first sight cause he did LOL LOL ( How lame )
First kiss when and where: The night we met ( oops) and in his white truck
Favorite couple thing to do: Camp and go on drives
How many kids: 3
His hidden talent: Hmmm.... don't know if he has one ( I am sure if you asked him though he would think he had many)
His age: 27
His favorite music: COuntry
What I admire most about him: Everything, he is an amazing amazing man, and he would do anything for us, I love that he has a personaltiy that can make anyone laugh. He is such a friendly person, and it makes him so likeable so its easy to be around people with him.... I just lovce him !!!
His favorite pastimes: Camping...... we would do it years round if we could
Will he read his: Nope he thinks its stupid I have a blog LOL
I tag.....
and whoever else wants to:)