Monday, September 15, 2008

Girls Night!!!

Paul has been working alot lately, He has to work a total of 28 12 hour shifts in a row, 18 of them being garveyards, and he has 1, 24 hour turn around. So needless to say, I have felt like a single mom....and we still have 10 more to go!! It has been really hard on all of us. Paul only sees us most days for an hour or 2 and then heads back to work.....and really we only get to see him if we are lucky!! Most days I am either working or running kids to and from dance and soccer!!!The poor kids miss there daddy, and I am missing him more than he will ever know. I know it probably sounds silly, but I don't think I realize how much he really helps out until he is not around. I definatly give props to all single moms out there, cause I don't think I could do it!!!!Anyways so my cute friends Mikela and Kelsey came over Friday night and we had a much needed girls night!!! It was so much fun, we laughed all night about who knows what, but it was definatly what I needed to get me through the next 10 days!!! I am so thankful I have such goods friends!!

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