So I have learned a couple things in life, some from life experiences, and some just from observing others.... I am blessed to have a sister in law that has older children, and it truly is a blessing, cause I am doing a lot of observing, and trying to learn by the trials she has. I truly think that the most important thing is to have that open comunication, and trust with your kids. I always always want my kids to be able to tell me everything, no matter what that might be. So the other day, I just sat down with Cambria and told her that as she is growing up i want her to be able to tell me everything, no matter what it might be. I told her even if she wants to tell me something but she thinks I might get mad, to just forwarn me by saying mom I have something to tell you but I don't want you to get mad, and then preceed to tell me..... So the other day she comes home from school and says to me " Mom do you remember how you want me to tell you everything " ....Yes, " well I have a boyfriend" I just laughed, but deep down I was thinking well its a start to what I was trying to get at. And then the next day she came home to tell me she dumped him and squirted juice in his face!!!! LOL Thats my girl... I told her boys are dumb and not having a boyfriend is the way to keep it ( even though I know that will go in one ear an out the other) .......It's so funny these little kids and there " Boyfriends" .... and even though it is so innocent right now, what a horrible world these kids have to grow up in. It truly scares me to wonder what my kids will have to go through.... but also inspires me to teach them all I know!!!!! What a blessing and such a challenge kids are, what would life be without them!!!

Well..... moving on!!! I don't even know where to start with Braxton, he is such a funny child. The things that come out of his mouth never seem to amaze me!!!! He definatly is such a miniature Paul. I went to pick him up the other day from school and he gets into the truck slapping his face....
Me" Whats a matter "
B: Those girls they just won't quit kissin' me mom"
me: LOL oh really they must think your cute
B: They do and I don't like it
Well A couple minutes later I was picking my neice up from school and I hear Braxton say under his Breath...." I am just so dazzled by them girls" I was like dazzled huh:) LOL
So then a couple days later we are driving in the car and Braxton looks at me and says" Mom I wish I was a nerd" I'm like why? He says" Because then those dang girls wouldnt kiss me anymore" I just laughed at him......It is just so funny, cause Cambria is so dang boy crazy and Braxton would rather miss school so he doesn't have to see them girls!!!
And since school has started Braxton has just been my little helper!! HI was cleaning the other day and he comes down stairs and says " MOm you are just going to love what I did to your room and mine" I walk up there and this is what I saw......

( Not perfect, but what a sweet heart, I left it like that all day, and he was so proud)
Well moving onto Gunner!!! As you know from the previous post, I just can't keep up with gun!!! Nothing is safe anymore when Gun is around. He has learned ot climb up on to my counter high table and learned that he can move the chairs anywhere to climb onto anything. Here are a couple picture of him when I caught him being naughty....He drew all over Cambrias homework, and now that he can climb the kids drinks are never safe..But then again nothing is safe...
He is growing up so fast and it makes me so sad, but then again I am just enjoying every minute of it, his vocabulary is growing by the day, and he is just such a fun happy baby. I keep getting asked" when ya gonna have another one" And I just think, I am enjoying Gun so much, I don't want to take that away....I am in no hurry for another one( That doesn't mean I am not baby Hungry cause iam )But I just never think I got to enjoy th other 2 like I am him, they were so close together, Cambria had to grow up to fast and when Braxton came along Cambria was still kind of a baby so I had to give all my attention to both of them cause they were both so needy, so I think I will just take my time and enjoy Gun ...