Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Gunners burns :(
Gunner had a little incident with my Chi iron...and all of you that own one know exactly just how hot they get. I was getting ready and he decided to grab it from the not hot end, well I went to grab it from him and he dropped it and it landed on his arm. With each side of the iron on each side of his arm. On the top of his arm he has two burns, 1 is about 2 inches long, and on the other side of his arm he has 3 big burns. He was such a tuff little boy, it hasn't seemed to bother him and they really are pretty bad. I have even been impressed that he is keeping the bandages on! What a little trooper:)

Sunday, July 20, 2008
Camping with the Woods!!!
We went Camping up to Franklin Basin with our friends Heather and Landon Wood!!! It was so nice up there...There was a nice breeze for a good part of the time, and was never to Hot. We both had Four wheelers up there, and Heather and Landon were nice enough to let one of our kids ride with them on there four wheeler so we could all go. Me Paul and 2 of the kids would pile on ours and they would take the other...It made it so nice, because I usually don't get to go. We saw some gorgeous meadows that were just covered in wild flowers...I would love to take my kids back up there and take there pictures. We went and saw some Gibson lakes back on this four wheeler trail and Cambria spent her time there trying to catch the fish!! She never lucked out, but she tried real hard. Gun would fall asleep everytime we got on the 4 wheeler and were on the bumpy roads but the second we hit a smooth road he would wake right up!!! It was such a nice realxing weekend but always goes by to fast.Here are some fun pictures from the weekend!!

The treehous museum!!
For Braxtons Birthday we went to to the Treehouse museum. I felt bad, because we had his family party on the saturday before so I wanted to take him to do something fun on his Birthday. He invited Brailee to go with us. She lives next door and is like my 2nd daughter. It was such a fun little place for the kids. I think the kids could have spent all day there...There is so much to do there, but I think there favorite was the actual tree house that they could play around in!!!!

Pool time!!!!
We gave Braxton the option of having a Birhtday party with his friends or going to Cherry Hill.!!! Well he picked neither of them, all he wanted to do was to go to the brigham pool!!! So we went and spent a day at the pool! The kids cousin Shay came with us....Cambria just idols her... Gunner couldn't get enough of it. Everytime he would crawl far enough that his lips would touch the water he would start blowing bubbles....It was a fun day!!!

Thursday, July 17, 2008
Happy Birthday Braxton!!!!
Today is Braxtons Birthday and he is the big 5!!! I can't believe my baby is 5....Time flies and I hate it.....Braxton has always been my little bud. After Cambria went to school he was my little bud all day everyday, and now he is going to be going to school!!! That is so sad:( He woke up this morning and said " Am i 5 today??? do I start kindergarten tommorrow??""" isn't it funny how kids think!!!! We went to the treehouse museum for his birthday and he had a blast. I have tonz of pictures and will blog them when I get a chance. But until then Happy Birthday Braxton!!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008
BIrthday Party Time !!!!
Gunners and braxtons birthdays are not even a week apart, so we decided this year to just have 1 big family party so those who had to drive far only had to drive up here 1 time.I can't decide if it was a good idea or not, it was really overwhelming....But was fun for the kids, and Gunner doesn't get it so for now it is fine.I am sure as they get older they will not want a party together.
Happy Birthday Gunner!!!
Happy Birthday Braxton!!!

Friday, July 11, 2008
My little Gun is one :(
Today is my little Gunners Birthday!!! It makes me so sad to think about how fast they grow up. They don't stay little long....It's so true when people say they grow up to fast. I am so not ready for Gun to get big. He is such a sweet little spirit and I just love him . I feel like just yesterday he was my tiny little baby that I didn't want to let go of and now he is this busy little boy that I can't keep up with! As sad as I am for him to grow up, I absolutly love the age he is at. He is learning new things daily and keeps a smile on my face. You never know what you will find with gun around! We are having his Little birthday party tomorrow and Paul works tonight so me and the kids bought him some little donuts and Ice cream for fun.HAPPY BIRTHDAY GUN!!!!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008
Ok I found such a fun idea on Heathers blog and want to give it a try.. I need everyone's help for it to work! It will be so fun to read all the fun memories I have had with each of you! Enjoy and start thinking away!
Here's how it goes:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next (if you choose to), re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.
Here's how it goes:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next (if you choose to), re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Christensen family campout!!!!
Every year we go Camping for a weekend with Pauls family. The kids love to have the weekend with there cousins and I just enjoy the good food. I always come back feeling like i have gained 10 pounds. WE always spend one day up and bear lake and take plenty of four wheeler rides. Here are some of the fun pictures from the weekend!
Gun loved spending time on the 4 wheeler :)
Paul looks so pissed off in this pictureLOL couldn't be that the kids wanted a ride every 2 seconds !!!
My little Mooshu!!
We had a german chocolate cake for desert and the kids wanted to lick the bowl
" Look how cool I am mom"
Silly silly kids!!!
(Back...Mickayla and cambria Front....Jaron, trevor, and Braxton)
" What mom.....I just want to sit in the dirt!!!"
Pauls sister Cami and her son Tyson
Round and Round and Round!!!!Braxton loved making gunner dizzy!
Grandpa Blake had this great idea to bring this swing....he is one smart man, Gunner loved it!!!
A few months ago, I was looking at all my pictures from the past couple of year and there are just not enough pictures of me and Paul so I am trying to get better!!!!
Waiting at the lookout point for the fireworks. The kids couldn't understand why the fireworks were so small, they didn't get that we were in the mountain looking down on them. They weren't to happy with them

Camis fam....Tyson shay cami and trevor!
Making a sand castle!
Shay and Braxton!
Gun just relaxing!
WOOPS I posted this one twice sorry!
The finsished product!!!
I love this one ~!!!!! Beach bums!!!
Gun just loved the beach!!
I really truly believe he ate at least a pound of sand!
Me and Paul ( after he so rudly dunked me in the water!!!)
Watching the cars drive by......He can always entertain himself with the weirdest things LOL
He loved this shallow water. I asked him what he was doing and he said "I'm cold mom thats why I am doing this duh!!!"
There must have been something on my camera but I love this of cami and gun!!!
And I love this one even more. He loves his aunt cami!!!
Grandpa Blake....your never to old to play in the sand!!!
Boys will be boys!!!!!

(Back...Mickayla and cambria Front....Jaron, trevor, and Braxton)


Bear Lake!

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