Over the 4th weekend we went on our annual campout with Pauls family. I was waiting to get some pictures from my sis in law before I blogged so that is why it took so long!! WE had a fun time and lots of good food, and had an coupld awesome learning eperiences for the kids!!!!!Grandpa Blake taught them all how to make a fire without using matches and they all thought that was awesome!! WE also always play this game called wave, and 2 of the little boys ended up getting lost it tooks us awhile to find them and they were quite shook up when we found them, but turned into a good learning experience for the others!!!! Sometimes I think things like that need to happen ( as long as they turn out good in the end) so the kids learn the dos and don'ts!!
Here are our pictures in randomn order...
We always go spend a day up at the lake and let the kids play. It was not the warmest day so it was a little chilly to get in and out of the water. Gunner is a little scared of the water and only ventures out a little but he found this nice little water hole to play in :)

See doesn't she look so cold ?!?!?!

Adam taking GUnner and Hunter out

He got brave every once in awhile, but it only would last a momet 8)

ReAdY.... SeT....GO!!!!

Do you think he could juggle one more thing ?!?!?!

I am not quite sure why these pictures are all weird but oh well :)

This was the kids little playhouse they made.... they had an entrance an exit a firepit, a gargage, a rain shelter and a garbage, it was pretty cute, and quite creative:)

When me and my sister were cleaning out my moms house we foud my old bucket from young womens camp and Cambria wanted to keep it, and it actually has came in handy....

This was the cutest thing to watch, they would follow each other, and everyone once in awhile crash into each other....

Following the leader :)


Look at that intense look on Hunters face :)

Me and my cute hubby !!!
All the kids pilled onto the fourwheeler!

Cambrias driving the kids around!

My little cutie!!! He looks WAY to big in this picture !!!

Tyson teasing Gun!!!! (GUnner just loves Tyson )

THe nice little mud hole that kept our kids nice and clean LOL:)

Hmmmmmm.... wonder where he gets that from (PAUL!!!! )

Doesn't Guner look terrified??? ( I would be to if Cambria were my driver LOL)
And that sums up our CHristensen family campout!!!!!