We had such a
good weekend last weekend.. .the
weather was so
nice, so we figured we better take
advantage of it, because it is Utah and it never stays this time of year.
Saturday we went and got
Subway and took the kids to
Willow Park, and spent the afternoon there with
Mikela and her family. It was the first time
gunner has been to the
park, that he could actually play and he just
absolutly loved it. I will warn you now, I forgot my camera and so
Mikela took pictures for me and there was a
million cute ones, so this is going to be a long post with lots of pictures!
Gunner saw the big kids
walking up the slide and decided he wanted to
try it :)
Cambria being the good big
sister that she is helping
gunner up !!!
Gunner would say
"mon"(c'mon) As he went up the stairs , he so
badly wanted me to go up there with
him :)
Braxton rode over to
logan with Mikela!!!
Braxton and

There was this
slide there that had these
really steep stairs, and as you can see
nothing on the sides if they lose there
balance. Gunner loved this
slide and it would give me a
heart attack everytime he went up it.

And then he
learned that you could go
head first
Paul Me Mike and Ty

I LoVe ThIs MaN!!!!
PaUl AnD HiS
DaDdYs BoY!!!

LiTtLe FaM at
WiLlOw PaRk!!
MiKeLaS FaM!!!!

ThE kIdS
ChEcKiNg OuT ThE

LiTtLe GuN BuM!!

My little
Braxton, Isn't he so
handsome ?!?!?!?
Ty told the kids there were
trolls living under the
bridge, and this was the

Dawson and

Mya and
Paul and Gunner
looking at the
elk.... This was Gunners
favortie part about the little
zoo they have....
WE could hardly pull him
away he just kept
pointing and saying
"but but but"(buck).... He thought it was just
Me AnD MiKe.... LoVe tHis Girl~
CaMbRiA aNd MyA BeSt FrIeNdS !!