Well I have not posted for a very long time, and I am very far behind, so I am going to attempt to catch up. SO I am warning you all this might be a long post.
Thanksgiving was good. We had 2 days of it, SO needless to say Paul was happy, he LOVES Thanksgiving. (probably just cause he likes to eat) . We went to my moms the Sunday before,and then we went to Pauls Familys on thanksgiving.
My mom bought the kids coloring books, and it kept them all busy. (notice the 2 big kids Jamie and Paul)

After we eat every year everyone either heads to the gym or stays in the cafeteria and plays Bingo. My kids were actually really into the Bingo this year ( I think they were after the prizes) Cambria kept stealing my card everytime I won, cause she thought my cards were lucky :)

Paul always head down to the gym to play basketball. Bingo did not last very long for me, because Gun kept running away and when he wasn't running away, he was trying to eat the Bingo Beans. Tyson lost to Paul in Basketball, and that won us a baby sitter for a night !!! Yeah!!!! Gunner loved it in the gym cause he could run wild, and there were lots of" ba ba balls". But then he discovered the stairs and the boys locker room, and then the chasing started again. I think everytime I turned around he was gone.

Paul thought it would be a great idea to get to the balcony this way instead of using the stairs, and so all of a sudden Gunner thought he would try to chase daddy up the same way :)
And heres the 2 boys. They are just so much fun to watch play together. I love that they are the same age.

Cambria and the 2 girls Madi and mackenzie, that live next to us, spend most of there free time at Madis house making up cheers. They had made a Thanksgiving one up and Cambria was dying to show it to me. She kept telling me," mom we are performing at 4". It was so cute, and actually I must say the cheer was quite creative. 

Here is Braxton with his special day poster. He could not wait to go to school that day, cause he kept saying " mom its like I am having my birthday all over again "
The picture on the right was of Trevon. My sister came out so we could get all of our littel neighbor gifts put together and wrapped. Well all of the kids had fallen asleep and Trevon was a trooper and stayed up with us. So he pulled Cambrias bean bag down to the kitchen and made his bed next to us :)
And Last but not least, I am thinking Christmas trees were not a good Idea this year. I got the ornaments out so the kids could decorate our downstairs tree, and the second I opened the box, there came Gunner " Ball Ball Ball Ball" So We decided to wait and put them on when he took a nap. Well He never took a nap and the kids got impatient to I decided to just deal with it, but I must say I was ripping my hair out by the time I was done. And It is fully decorated from top to bottom, but we will see how long that lasts.
This Is Cambrias little tree she bought with her own money to put in her room. ( Lets see how long it stays in one piece with gun around )

One last note.....while I was blogging, Gunner tore all of the ornaments off the bottom of the tree, so Cambria so kindly moved them all up to the top. SO now I have a half decorated Christmas tree ......Oh well guess thats life with a 1 year old :)

And Last but not least, I am thinking Christmas trees were not a good Idea this year. I got the ornaments out so the kids could decorate our downstairs tree, and the second I opened the box, there came Gunner " Ball Ball Ball Ball" So We decided to wait and put them on when he took a nap. Well He never took a nap and the kids got impatient to I decided to just deal with it, but I must say I was ripping my hair out by the time I was done. And It is fully decorated from top to bottom, but we will see how long that lasts.

This Is Cambrias little tree she bought with her own money to put in her room. ( Lets see how long it stays in one piece with gun around )

One last note.....while I was blogging, Gunner tore all of the ornaments off the bottom of the tree, so Cambria so kindly moved them all up to the top. SO now I have a half decorated Christmas tree ......Oh well guess thats life with a 1 year old :)