Tuesday, May 12, 2009


So this is not my big long post i am intending to post, but just a few little thought.
As my kids grow up there are so many times I think I want to remember this conversation forever, and then life goes on and we get busy and soon I can't remember details, so I have been trying to at least blog about them when I remember to at least do that, at least then they are written down.

Mothers day weekend was good!!! My sweet kids spoiled me with pictures, letters, more pictures, more letters ( mostly from Cambria) and lots of hugs and kisses. Cambria gave me a cute picture she colored and a marigold they started growing at school. And did I mention endless amounts of pictures and letters. She is my sweetheart, If I kept every letter, colored picture, or even scrap piece of paper that Cambria has written me a letter on telling me how much she loves me and that I am the best mom, I probably could have filled my house 3 times by now. She is such a sincere sweet girl!!!!If anyones feelings get hurt or if someone is having a bad day or even just because, you can count on a picture from Cambria!!!! She also brought me Lucky Charms in bed:) Not my first choice, but chocked them down cause how sweet it was:)
Braxton also gave me a picture of his little hands with a poem ( I think I get this poem every year with the kids hands on them , and everytime it makes me cry) and he also gave me some coupons......." On monday I will I like to play the wii", " On tuesday I will I like to ride my bike with friends", On wednesday I like to play outside", On thursday I like to jump on the tramp", On Friday, I will give my moms kisses" LOL I guess he didn't quite get the picture, but at least by friday it included me :) Gunner just attempted to say Happy mothers day all day it was pretty much "mamamattersday" But of course melted my little Heart!!!!

Just a couple of funny converstions I had with my sweet Braxton today....
First one :
Me: so Braxton what day is your pajama day at school
B: Its on Thursday
Me: this week
B: NO its on thursday
Me: Ya this week
B: its on thursday not this week mom

( I was braiding Cambrias hair for dance)
B: Mom why are you tying Cambrias hair in knots
me: I'm not its a braid
B: well it looks like knots to me :)

And last but not least, my cute little gun bum is growing up way faster than I would like, and his vocabulary grows imensly (SP?) each and every day.He is a bossy little shit, but has the cutest personality. WE have been struggling with the biting, hitting and pinching, all things which never were really an issue with my other two. It is getting better, but now he actually feels bad when he does it and he will grab your cheeks and say "torry" and after that its impossible to get mad. Everything is "NOW" When he wants something he always ends his sentence with "NOW" . And yesterday he called me a Brat LOL Wonder where he hears that from :) And his new favorite thing is to go on walks, the second I open the door to go outside he heads straight for the stroller and gets in and then throws a fit when I take him out because we are going in the car and not for a walk.

And ya know these last couple of weeks have definatly been a test on my patience, and my motherly skills. My kids have been having a hard time being good, and it is so frustrating to me, cause of course I just automaticly think they should know better. Sometimes I wonder if I am just to hard on them or if I am mad for a good reason. I am trying hard to learn to pick my battles, because when it comes down to it, they just grow up way to fast to spend there childhood being mad at them. I definatly want them to remember how fun there mom was not how she was always yelling, and grounding them :) I hate that sometimes being a mom can be so HaRd, But in the end its so so so Worth it :)


Trouble said...

you are an excellent mother - I like the way you write out the conversations, I can picture it happening!

Crazy4Coffee said...

You are an excellent mom!

ok so thursday is looking grim as I have to work till 5 and i15 is a mess northbound due to the cement issue...

But I do want to come up and see you guys so when are you leaving for camping?
I would really like to bring up the DS for Cambria before camping ;)