Tuesday, October 27, 2009

SOOOO behind!!!

So I am sooooo far behind, and my mom keeps getting after me for not "updating my blog" Life gets so busy and I just don't know where the time gos.... I am not really sure where to start ( since I am really that far behind) but I figure I will just start with a post a day and hopefully get caught up by next week!!!!!

My Baby is getting HUGE......... And I hate it.......

He has decided that most days he doesn't need a nap, so quite frequently I find that he has fallen asleep in random places....

My kids love to listen to music on the computer and it has also became one of gunners favorite things to do .... ESPECIALLY if it is the transformers song :) He gets quite into it and will sing it at the top of his lungs ( I have video of it but need to get it off my old computer and on to this one )

He is STILL a daddys boy and when daddy is around NO ONE else matters!! It is quite cute but sometimes makes me feel bad :( If I try to do AnYtHiNg when his daddy is around , its "no daddy do it " (the only one I am ok about is when I say Gun lets go change your diaper and he says "No daddy do it LOL)
**He is now realizing that the kids are gone ALL DAY to school and I think he gets lonely, he is my little buddy while they are at school but tells me everyday " me go to tool to " (school ) He loves the days that I go to work and he gets to go play with his friend Gage... it makes his entire day and I find that on my days off he is constantly asking me if he can go to Gages house!!!!
He Talks so good now and is SOOOO independent... everything is "me do it "He still LOVES thomas, but has 2 new favorite show which makes it so nice for me.. He loves Mickey mouse clubhouse ( Mittee mouse) and My freinds tigger and pooh.
He loves Chocolate milk with a passion and whenever we go to the store or to the gas station he says " buy me chochat milt" !!!
He has developed a potty mouth and is quite fond of the word Damn it... ( wonder where he gets is from LOL) He will look at me and say Damn it and then say "me no say dat word " LOL He knows he is NaUgHtY!!!!
He can now say Cambrias name right and no longer calls her "baba" :(
He is such a sweetheart... he loves hugs and kisses and loves to cuddle... He tells me that he is my cuddlebug !!! I sometimes thinks he purposely gets into trouble just so he can look at me with those puppydog eyes and say "mommy I sorwy" and give me great big kisses!!!
he loves football and can throw the ball better than any other 2 year old I know.... He is super cordinated which is completly opposite of Braxton.
He Now can sing his abc's and I have no idea who taught it to him...
He is just getting to big and I wish I could squish him into the ground and keep him little!!!!!!!

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