Cambria decided that she anted to do cake and ice cream , eat out and go to the rodeo.... and she even talked me into letting her take 2 friends too.... our friends Casey and
Kayli came to so
Braxton had
Brailee to sit by
At one point Paul had all 3 kids on his lap...
Brailee Braxton and Gunner.... he is the most patient person ever and didn't care one bit ... if only I had his patience!!!
Braxton and
Brailee.... So

Doesn't Gun make a good cowboy!?!?!?.... I didn't know if he would handle the rodeo very good, but her actually made it through better than the older 2!!!

The girls didn't care one bit about the rodeo...this is all that I heard the hole time ... " is it going to be over soon so I can ride ride.."... "can me and my friends go
walk around???" Can I go buy a treat"... can me and my friends go to the bathroom"
AHHHH.... e ended up leaving early cause Me and Paul couldn't take it anymore...

They messed around on there cell phones the hole time....
AnNoYiNg ( I try to explain to
Cambria this is why she doesn't have a cell phone... they thing they are toys)
Cambria and her most favorite person in the world....
Tawnie Bee!!!
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