WE loved legoland, such a perfect place for these little kids.... it wasn't the warmest day ever so we didn't get to go to the legoland water park , but it was fun anyway..
Heres the kids when we first got there...

I thought this was so fun, this was at the restraunt that we went to, they had these little lego tables the kids could play with while they were waiting... best thing ever, I think every restraunt should have these :)

Cam and Jax with the lego darth vader.... amazing that his whole thing was legos...

This was the funnest little ride, me and angel got soaked and it was cold, but we laughed so hard... we both were trying to hide behind each other the whole time ;)

Gunner couldn't wait to go on this slide, but he didn't think it looked so fun once he got up there...

Paul decided it was to late to turn around and just pushed him down... so funny, but the poor kid hated it....

The stores also had lego tables ...

He crashed half way through the day :)

Jax made a hot dog out of legos

Cambria was to funny she totally obeyed all the traffic laws LOL, if there was a stop light she would stop on red and wait tell it turned green, the boys were all over the road!

These lego towns amazed me, I can't believe every ounce of them is made out of legos, someone has alot of time on there hands!

My Aunt angel with all the kids and the lego guy!

Gunner loved this little town they had, he still tells me he wants to go to his house at yegoyand :)