Well despite all the rain we have been getting we decided to still go camping. Paul and his friends from work had been planning it for awhile, and when we watched the weather we figured we would be ok, besides a little rain never hurt anyone right :) WEll it was quite the camping trip. I had only met the people we were going with a few times so I didn't know how it would turn out but it ended up being a BLAST!!!!!
Pauls friend Matt and his wife Amy have 3 kids 13,9 and 6 so it was just perfect because we took along Pauls neice Shaylynn, so there was one each of the kids age. Plus Pauls other friend Jeremy came with his two boy who are 6 and 2 so perfect for Braxon and Gun!!!!
Here is Makell, Shaylynn and Cambria.

WE got up there on Thursday, and it rained off and on all that day, not hard enough to keep us in the trailer so it was ok! Then on Friday it was Perfect weather all day, and Saturday was mostly cloudy all day we just got one BIG storm about 3, all the men were out on a 4 wheeler ride and so me and Amy were left to try and get everything under trailers so we didn't end up having to sit on wet chiars that night, plus the wind REALLY really picked up so we also had to get the awnings and canopys put up. Paul didn't go very prepared on his 4 wheeler ride just wore jeans and a hoodie, and came back drenched and probably on the verge of hypothermia. I have never actually seen someone really that blue in my life. It scared the shit out of him, and now I have the privelage of putting together a little emergency kit for his 4 wheeler so next time he will have gloves and crap he can pull out. But truthfully it was not very smart on there part to go on a 17 mile 4 wheeler ride with black rain clouds in the sky. I guess thats just men for ya!!!... Well the kids ended up covered in mud all weekend so lucky me got to do 5 loads of Laundry when we got home today.
This picture is actually the cleanest gunner looked all weekend :)

Braxton and Triston sitting by the fire during one of the quick rain storms:)

Triston has one of those little 4 wheelers and he was nice enough to drive Braxton around on it for only like 12 hours a day. Those 2 lived on it and got there first experience in rolling a 4 wheeler. They had all went out on a night ride, at about 8:30 one night and these two boys decided to follow them all! Well Paul had decided to take gun along and gun ended up falling asleep so Paul headed back before everyone else. Well 10 came around and the rest of them still had not made it back, about a half hour later you see them all coming down the hill next to our camp ground. Well Braxton and Triston had hit a rock and somehow rolled the fourwheeler. The poor boys were so shook up they didn't want to ride the rest of the way back, but they had no one else to drive that wheeler back so triston drove it back but it was so dark, they had to creep along. It didn't stop them from hopping on it first thing the next day though!!!!

On one of our 4 wheeler rides we went on we foudn this abandoned truck that someone had gotten stuck. Its front tires were completly under and we really thought they would never get it out in one piece. The pictures don't do it justice, it was sunk!!! Well Pauls friend that was with us has a truck that he has put alot of money into and has all the stupid extras. Well he was bound and determined that when these people came back up for there truck he was going to pull them out. Well Saturday night about 8:30 we could hear some people up there trying to pull it out so we headed up there to watch. When we got up there the 2 vehicles they had brought to pull this truck out they had already ruined trying to get it out. So Jeremy got to have the privelage of pulling them out. Well next to this truck there is a big mud puddle that really didn't look to deep so Jeremy decided to drive through it so he could get around to pull them out. Well this hole ended up being about 4 feet deep and jeremy ended up sinking his truck in this hole. So we were in Pauls friend Waynes truck and his frined Matt had also drove his truck up there. we both had to hook together to pull him out, but luckily got him out, and he did get the other truck out to so he was satisfied!!!!
THis is the truck that we found... I was so mad when Jeremy got stuck that I had not brought my camera so I could have taken picture of him sunk :)
Gunner loved to go on rides he would ask everyone tell he could find someone that would take him. Luckily Shay loved to drive it so she would kindly take him almost everytime.