Saturday, January 22, 2011

The mind of a 3 year old.....

Gunner is by far the best entertainment most days... the things he come up with just make me laught so hard, I wish he could stay 3 forever :) here are a few of his most recent fnny phrases.....

We were at the grocery store one day and i was getting ready to pay... of course Gunner started pushing the buttons on the debit maching ( i swear kids jst can't resist those things) I told him it was time for me to pay and he said... "no watch out mom... let da pro do it "

The other day I told him that I hated him getting big and asked him if he could stay little forever... he looked at me and said..."no mom... tause if I drow bid I can't clean my own room and den you will have to" ( he is my clean freak child )

We have now moved into our new house and he keeps referring to our old house as " the short house" "mom are we going bat to da short house " LOL it makes me laugh everytime :)

today he had an apple and I asked him how he got it... i asked him if he climbed on the counter ( which he knows he is not supposed to do ) he said to me " no I din't twimb on da tounter... I dust drew bid... dot da apple... den drew little adin" Not sure if he really thought I would believe it but it sure made me smile...

I said to him today... gun are you a turkey... Gun " no are you a chicken "

I love how 3 year olds think :)